SAP Message WFCS094 - Items read (table: &1; plant: &2)

During the forecast run, the system read a number of data rows from thedatabase table. This number appears in the application log (transactionWFCSL01) when you display the "Amount" field.
The following tables are generaly read in the forecast:

  • MAPR-PROP: Master data for the forecast. You can use the forecast
  • monitor (transaction WFCS03) to displaythe forecast master data.
    • MARC: Master data for material requirements planning and forecasting.
    • You can use the forecast monitor (transaction WFCS03) to
      display the planning data.
      • MARA: Master data for the material. In the forecast, only the material
      • group and the base unit of measure are needed.
        • WFCS_WRFT: Movement data table with historical data (POS sales) and
        • forecast data. You can use the forecast monitor (transaction WFCS03) todisplay the forecasted movement data.