SAP Message WE308 - You are processing an EAN category with the UPC-E short format

You are maintaining an EAN category with the same short format as theEAN category for UPC-E codes (EAN category with check-digitalgorithm 6). This will prevent you from using the EAN categoryfor UPC-E codes since, in dialog mode, the system will not be able totell whether you are using a UPC-E code or the EAN category you aremaintaining here.
The display format of the EAN category UPC-E consists of oneleading zero, a six-figure EAN code, and a single-figure check digit.However, it is saved in the database in the long form like a normalUPC.

If you also want to use the EAN category you are maintaining, you mustadapt the number range(s) used so that they do not have the same shortdisplay format as the EAN category UPC-E. The numberrange does not include the leading zero and check digit.