SAP Message WE109 - The interval & was not found

The system has tried to access thenumber range intervalV1. however, it does not exist. this is probably because anonexistent number range interval has been assigned to an EAN categoryin Customizing.
This error can also occur if you have specified an EAN that is assignedto an existing number range, but the number range has been enteredincorrectly in Customizing.

Ask your system administrator to correct the error.

Procedure for System Administration
You have the following options:

  • Create the required interval in Customizing for the Material
  • Master in the activity Define numberranges for EANs/UPCs.
    • Make sure that all EAN categories are defined only for existing number
    • ranges.
      • Make sure that internal number ranges have not been entered as external
      • number ranges, and vice versa, in Customizing for the MaterialMaster in the activity Defineattributes of EANs/UPCs.