SAP Message WC161 - Material group & not assigned to store & for date &

The assignment of store &V1& to material group &V2& was not maintainedfor date &V3&. As a result, the system cannot determine whether thematerial prices contain sales tax.
As the communication profile for the store also specifies that salesare not to be made for all material groups, this assignment ismandatory.

System Response
The record concerned for material &V4& cannot be processed at POS -interface outbound.

Maintain the assignment in plantmaintenance.
When the plant data is displayed, select 'Material groups'.
If the error occurs on initialization, restart POS -interface outbound processing.
If the error occurs in change mode, you do not need to do anything, asthe data will be transferred again in the next transport.

If the communication profile of the store specifies that sales are tobe carried out for all material groups, you do not have to enter thisassignment. The system assumes that the material prices do not containsales tax.
However, the system takes account of the assignment if it is entered.