SAP Message WC159 - Material group &2 is not assigned to store &1

Store &V1& was not assigned to material group &V2&. Therefore thesystem cannot determine whether the material prices include sales tax.
As the communication profile of the store also specifies that not allmaterial groups are sold, this data must be maintained.

System Response
The record for material &V3& cannot be maintained for POS - outbound.

Make the assignment in plantmaintenance.
When the plant data is displayed, select 'Material groups'.
If the error occurs on initialization, you must re-startPOS-outbound.
If the error occurs in change mode you do not have to take any furtheraction as the data will be retransmitted next time.

If the communication profile of the store specifies that all materialgroups are sold, this assignment does not have to be maintained. Inthis case the system assumes that no sales tax is included in thematerial prices.
However, if the assignment is maintained it is taken intoconsideration.