Diagnosis This error only occurs when no items were entered when the follow-onitem was created or when all the line items for a follow-on item weredeleted without the header in the bill being deleted. Neither situationhas any use. System Response The record could not be prepared for POS outbound. Procedure If the follow-on item was created with no line items, these must be maintained>. If the follow-on item is to be deleted from the POS system, you havetwo options: If the follow-on item has been created using a bill of material, thiscan be deleted using the bill of material maintenance>transaction (7). At the next periodic transmission the follow-on itemis deleted from the POS. The follow-on item can be deleted from the POS using adirect deletion request>. The error will, however, re-occur at the next transmission, as it hasnot yet been corrected in the R/3 system. |