SAP Message WC041 - Latest merchandise supply to a store after how many days?

Short Text: Latest merchandise supply to a store after how many days?
Performance problems can occur in POS outbound because selecting thechange pointers takes longer and longer every day.
This is usually due to the fact that the last correct formatting of oneor several stores (outbound processing status in the POS monitor:"processed") is already too far behind. This prevents the changepointers from being reorganized.
There are generally two causes for this problem:

  • Formatting errors often occur in one or several stores. These cause the
  • POS outbound processing to keep reanalyzing the change pointers fromthe last formatting.
    • A store is no longer to receive deliveries (due to closure for
    • example), however it has not yet been removed from POS outboundprocessing.

      System Response
      The system indicates when the last correct formatting of a store tookplace. This helps you determine more easily which stores have not had acorrect formatting for a long time.
      The color assignment of the output list depends on the input value. Thefollowing color values are possible:

      • Bright green:

      • The number of days since the last correct formatting is less than thevalue entered.
        • Green:

        • The number of days is equal to the value entered.
          • Pink:

          • The number of days is higher than the value entered (critical).
            • Bright red:

            • The number of days is more than double the value entered (extremelycritical).

              If formatting errors occur, refer to the error protocol in the POSmonitor and then correct the error.
              If a store is no longer to be supplied, remove it from POS outboundprocessing. Also delete the POS outbound profile of this store in thePOS view of the user master maintenance (Transaction WB02).