SAP Message WC029 - Dummy initialization for customer number & was performed

Dummy initialization was executed for the store with customer numberV1.

System Response
Dummy initialization is only to be executed if the POS systems for therelevant stores have access to the relevant data when POS outbound isactivated.
Normally, changes to POS outbound can only be activated ifinitialization has been carried out successfully.
However, if all POS data is available having been supplied from alegacy system, a complete initialization is not necessary. So thatchanges can be activated, suitable entries must be generated in thestatus tables of POS outbound. In doing so, the system believes that acorrect initialization has already been executed.
This is why a dummy initialization is so useful.
Note: After dummy initialization has been executed, the next change runin POS outbound will only take data changes into consideration if theywere executed after the time period for the dummy initialization.
This means:
In the next change run, changes can only be included if they wereexecuted after &V2& on &V3&.