SAP Message WAHD207 - Query for the period is different to the update period in ECC

The period '&V2&' is used in the query definition for method &V1& andanalytical application 'Forecast' (004), which is set for the use ofalternative historical data
(AHD). In the SAP system, however, theperiod indicator'&V3&' isused for the current loading process.
The following period categories are allowed for the query, depending onthe period indicator:
Period,,ECC Period Indicator,,BW Query Period Category
Fiscal year variant,,'P',,'FP'

System Response
Loading of the alternative historical data (AHD) from SAP BW iscancelled for this query.

Check the query definition for method &V1& and analytical application'Forecast' (004) in Customizing, or use theMRP type to change theassignment of the query to the material plant combinations.