SAP Message WA642 - Type linkage between & & and &: Entry exists with other secondary data

When the specified linkage was entered, it was found that an entry withthis key already exists. However, the entry which already exists hasdifferent secondary data than that currently passed. This means thatone of the following fields has a different value for the existingentry than that passed in the current call:

  • CHECKFB (check function module)

  • RECFB (receiver function module)

  • RECGETFB (function module for determining receiver type)

  • GLOBAL (indicator for type linkage)
  • System Response
    The action was terminated. The old entry is not changed, the new entrywas not inserted.

    Check the call of the function module in your source text. Compare thevalues passed (e.g. using the event trace) with the values alreadycontained in the type linkage table (e.g. using trasactionSWETYPV). If necessary, delete the old entry andthen try the action again.