Diagnosis The instance linkages for the specified receiver cannot be deleted. System Response The action was terminated. The entries in the instance linkage table are not changed. Procedure To minimize the size of the instance linkage table, the entries in thetable are deleted as soon as possible. This means deletion is attemptedat different times:
- After the event (the last event for which this linkage is required) has
been received.
- When deleting the receiver with the specified ID.
- If the receiver is set to a status in which it can no longer receive
any events (for work items these are, for example, the statuseswaiting>, error>, logically deleted> andcompleted>). This error message may therefore have been triggered because therelevant linkage had already been deleted beforehand (e.g. if a workitem is deleted which was already in the status completed>). As it is generally attempted in the case of work items to delete apossible instance linkage when a transition to one of the statuseslisted above occurs, this error message can also appear even if thework item was never entered in an instance linkage. However, this cannot be checked at the time when the (possible) erroris found. If you receive this error and do not know whether the work item wasused in an instance linkage table, check existing entries in theinstance linkage table (for example using transactionSWEINST>). If there are no longer any entries forthe specified tuple pair, you can ignore the error message. Otherwisecontact you workflow system administrator so that the instance linkageswhich were not deleted can be removed.