SAP Message W8718 - Creation/deletion of records in table & checked

You have specified the field KEY for table &V1&. This results inthe following "special treatment":

System Response
In event creation, the system checks for added or deleted fields intable &V1&. When table records are added or deleted in the changedocument, the keys of the table records created or deleted are logged,not the individual fields.
If a plant segment is created for a material, a record is created fortable MARC in the change document.

If you specify KEY as field name in the field restrictions for atable name, you can define a concatenated key of this table as "newvalue". Positions in the key can be masked with the character '*'.
The field restriction is fulfilled if a table record of this key islogged.
If the event MATERIAL PLANT_CREATED is to be created when amaterial segment is added for plant 0099, the following entries arerequired.
Change document object,,MATERIAL
Business object type,,MATERIAL
Trigger event upon Change Create Delete,,X
Field name,,KEY
Old value ,,*
New value,,*********************0099
In the object reference with which the event is created, and which isdescribed as "new value", the fields MARC-MANDT (3 characters) andMARC-MATNR (18 characters) are masked.