SAP Message W8428 - Start condition '&1' could not be activated

To activate a start condition, the following steps are necessary:
A type linkage between an event of an object type and an eventrecipient (workflow) must be created.
A check function module of the workflow system must be entered in thetype linkage.
The type linkage must be activated.
The system has determined that the type linkage needed is alreadyavailable and that a user-defined check function module is entered inthis type linkage. Since only one single check function module can beactive, the user-defined check function module in the type linkage mustbe replaced by the check function module of the workflow system. Thusthe function defined by the user-defined check function module is nolonger available.

System Response
The user-defined check function module was ignored in the type linkage
The check function module of the workflow system was not entered.
The start condition is not active.

If you want to activate the start condition, choose 'Yes' whenasked whether the user-defined check function module is to be replaced.