SAP Message W8094 - Binding for element '&3' adapted to new data type or length

The binding check has determined that a change to the workflowdefinition of data type &V1& has been made since the last update of theworkflow definition. The binding for container element &V3& uses thisdefinition and therefore must be updated.

System Response
At workflow runtime the current definition is used instead.
If you choose Binding->Check in a step binding editor atdefiniton time (in change mode), the necessary adjustments are carriedout automatically by the system.

In order to permanently eliminate this discrepancy, you must update theworkflow definition.
Open the workflow definition in change mode.
Call (in sequence) all the steps in which elements of data type &V1&are used.
Branch to the binding editor for each step affected.
Choose Binding->Check. All necessary corrections will be carriedout automatically.
In the Workflow Builder, choose Extras ->Specialfunctions->Container correction in order to correct the workflowcontainer.
Save the workflow definition.