SAP Message W8088 - Source & corresponds to object type & and not &

The two partners of the value assignment in a binding definition mustbe defined by identical data types or at least compatibledata types.
Data types expressed with an object type count as compatible if:

  • no object type is explicitly specified for the target element,

  • (assignment: specified object reference ==> unspecified objectreference)
    • the source element references a subtype of the object type which is
    • referenced by the target element
      (assignment: object reference subtype ==> object reference parent type)
      In the binding definition to which this warning relates, you areassigning two object types to each other which are not compatibleaccording to these guidelines, but do however possess compatible keystructures: Object type &v2& is not a subtype of object type &v3& butboth these object types have an identical key structure according todomain.
      No runtime inconsistencies occur via a binding of this kind, butsemantic accuracy cannot be ensured because of the object typehierarchy.

      System Response
      This is a warning !

      Please consider the accuracy of this binding definition.