Diagnosis The binding check has detected that a change has been made to thedefinition of reference &V1& or object &V2& since the last update ofthe workflow definition. The binding for container element &V3& usesthis definition and must therefore be updated. System Response The correct definition of the data reference is determined at workflowruntime on an ad hoc basis. However, as long as the workflow definitionis not updated, the same ad hoc correction appears again every time theworkflow is run. Procedure In order to permanently eliminate this discrepancy, you must update theworkflow definition. Open the workflow definition in change mode. Call (in sequence) all steps in which object &V2& or reference &V1& areused. Branch to the binding editor for each step affected. Choose Binding -> Check>. All necessary corrections will becarried out automatically. In the Workflow Builder, choose Extras -> Special functions ->Container correction> in order to correct the workflow container. Save the workflow definition. |