Diagnosis You have set the Simple password> indicator for a control recipedestination that is NOT of type 1. You may only use this indicator forcontrol recipe destinations of type 1 (ABAP list-based PI sheet).Procedure If you want to use a password check in the browser-based PI sheet (type4), you must use the digitalsignature>. As an alternative to the simple password check>, you can use thesimple signature> with thesignature method> "Systemsignature with authorization by user ID and password" in thebrowser-based PI sheet. To do so, proceed as follows: Set the Digital signature> indicator. As a result, the signature method specified in the simple signature isvalid for all control recipe destinations to which you have notassigned a signature strategy. Go to Customizing for Process Management> and choose ControlRecipes/PI Sheets -> Digital Signature -> SpecifySignature Method for Approval Using Simple Signature>>. Assign the signature method "System signature with authorization byuser ID and password" to the following signature objects according toyour needs: PI sheet: process step PI sheet: accept invalid input values |