SAP Message 10043 - Simple password is only permitted in PI sheets of type 1

You have set the Simple password indicator for a control recipedestination that is NOT of type 1. You may only use this indicator forcontrol recipe destinations of type 1 (ABAP list-based PI sheet).

If you want to use a password check in the browser-based PI sheet (type4), you must use the digitalsignature.
As an alternative to the simple password check, you can use thesimple signature with thesignature method "Systemsignature with authorization by user ID and password" in thebrowser-based PI sheet. To do so, proceed as follows:
Set the Digital signature indicator.
As a result, the signature method specified in the simple signature isvalid for all control recipe destinations to which you have notassigned a signature strategy.
Go to Customizing for Process Management and choose ControlRecipes/PI Sheets -> Digital Signature -> SpecifySignature Method for Approval Using Simple Signature.
Assign the signature method "System signature with authorization byuser ID and password" to the following signature objects according toyour needs:
PI sheet: process step
PI sheet: accept invalid input values