SAP Message 0T050 - Delivery with source system &1 not allowed

The following error occurred when checking the existing configuration:
You attempted to create a delivery route from system &V1&. However, thecurrent configuration does not contain a consolidation route thatdelivers requests to system &V1&.

System Response
The entry in the hierarchical list editor is rejected.


  • To enter a non-accessible delivery:

  • Create the deliveries in the sequence in which you want to make thetransports. A test is made to see if the source system can be accessedfrom a consolidation system directly, or with a delivery.
    • To check the configuration:

    • For technical reasons, it is possible that deliveries exist in thehierarchical list editor that are not visible. To edit thesedeliveries, create a consolidation as described above, or use thegraphic editor.