SAP Message 0S283 - Errors occurred when writing the performance trace -> long text

The system detects that errors occurred when writing the lastperformance trace. It is possible that trace records will be missingwhen you display the selected trace.

System Response
The system displays the desired trace, if it exists.

Due to the error situation, it is no longer possible to activate thetrace on this application server. Inform the responsible administratorabout the error situation, so that he or she can correct it.

Procedure for System Administration
Use the "Display, Reset Kernel Trace Errors" button on the initialscreen of transaction ST05 to obtain more information about which errorshave occurred.
After you have corrected the cause of the error, reset the erorr. Youcan do this using the corresponding button or by right-clicking afteryou have selected the relevant error in the error list.
If the system detects that the error no longer exists, it automaticallyresets it.