Diagnosis An error was detected when writing the performance trace. System Response The system terminated the writing of the last performance trace and istherefore rejecting the activation of the trace, since it is notpossible to write a new performance trace on this application server. If you urgently require a performance trace, and it is not currentlypossible to correct the error on this server, you can attempt togenerate the trace on another application server. Procedure Before the performance trace can be used again on this applicationserver, the write error must be corrected. If you do not do thisyourself, inform the responsible administrator. Procedure for System Administration Use the "Display, Reset Kernel Trace Errors" button on the initialscreen of transaction ST05 to obtain more information about which errorshave occurred. After correcting the cause of the erorr, reset the error.You can do this using the corresponding button or by right-clickingafter you have selected the relevant error in the error list. If the system detects that the error no longer exists, the error isautomatically reset by the system. |