SAP Message 0S161 - File end of performance trace file detected -> See long text

The file end was detected while opening the performance trace file.This can be because no trace records were written or because an erroroccurred.

System Response
After the message, the system continues processing.

Check whether ther should have been any trace records at all.
If trace records must exist, call transaction ST05 - "PerformanceAnalysis" on the initial screen - enter the OK code "CLOSE", and choose"Enter".
Then try displaying the performance trace again. If this is notpossible, even after a new recording of the trace, contact theadminsitrator responsible.

Procedure for System Administration
Create a new trace file using transaction ST01. To do this, enter"ADMIN" in the OK Code. After choosing "Enter", the system displays the"Parameters of the SAP Trace" screen, where you should choose the"Change" pushbutton to create a new trace file.
Alternatively, you can delete the trace files listed on this screenusing operating system resources.