SAP Message 0S074 - Switch off the trace or use another function -> Long text

The trace is still switched on for one or several trace types. Thesystem expects all trace types to be switched off before displaying thetrace list. You can switch the traces on and off using transactionST05.
If you want to generate the performance trace list with a trace stillswitched on, you can choose "Performance Trace" -> Display TraceWithout First Switching Off". You can choose to display the basic orextended list.
If you do want to dislay the performance trace without switching itoff, the end time for the trace list display will be determined andthen initialized once you display the list. You can overwrite thistime.

System Response
The system terminates trace display and allows you to restart.

To switch off all traces, use transaction ST05.
You can also use the function "Display Trace Without First SwitchingOff".