SAP Message 0D728 - Not all of the items selected could be transferred to installment plan

A business partner has open items in their account which cannot beconverted to an installment plan.
There may be several reasons for this that are in part related todifferences between countries:

  • There is no alternative dunning procedure assigned to the
  • dunning procedure of the source item. Assigning an alternative dunningprocedure (in Customizing) is a fundamental requirement for convertingan open item to an installment plan.
    It is possible that no alternative dunning procedure was assignedintentionally, in order to prevent open items from beingconverted to installment plans. In Germany you might do this to stopreceivables with first premium characteristics from being converted toinstallment plans. German insurance companies would favor thisprocedure as it allows them to be relieved of their obligation to payin a speedy manner in the case of receivables with first premiumcharacteristics.
    • If the source item is dunned according to dunning procedure type
    • total dunning or contract dunning, it may not be able tobe converted to an installment plan even if an alternative dunningprocedure has been assigned. The reason for this is that there arereceivables with first premium characteristics on the dunning noticethat cannot be converted to an installment plan. In contract dunning ortotal dunning, this has the consequence that even receivables withrenewal premium characteristics cannot be converted to an installmentplan.

      Assign an alternative dunning procedure to each dunning procedure inCustomizing if you have not already done so.