SAP Message 0C016 - & process instruction categories could not be deleted

V1 of the selected process instruction categories could not bedeleted.This could be for one of the following reasons:

  • You have selected the option "Without Dependent Entries" for deletion.
  • This means that only process instruction categories without processinstruction characteristics are deleted. However, process instructioncharacteristics are assigned to this process instruction category.
    • The process instruction category is used in at least one control recipe
    • destination. (See the Customizing activity"Define and Set Up Control Recipe Destinations", view "Processinstructions to be generated").

      If you still want to delete the process instruction category, proceedas follows, depending on the cause of the error:

      • When deleting, choose the option "All Entries".

      • Check and delete the assignment of the process instruction category to
      • control recipe destinations.