SAP Message 0C010 - Enter a valid characteristic

The specified characteristic cannot be used for one of the followingreasons:

  • It has not been created in the system.

  • It does not belong to a characteristics group that is released for
  • use in process instructions or process messages.

    RESET N1
    Choose another characteristic. You can get a list of the availablecharacteristics by calling up possible entries (F4).
    If no suitable characteristic can be found, check
    whether a characteristic with the specified name exists
    whether the characteristic is assigned to a characteristics group
    whether the characteristics group is released for use in processmessages or process instructions
    Depending on the result of this check, you have to carry out one of thefollowing actions:
    Assign the characteristic to acharacteristics group or change the existing assignment.
    Release the characteristics group for use in process messages orprocess instructions.
    Create a new characteristic in a released characteristics group.