SAP Message 06857 - Error generating release against scheduling agreement & (cause &)

The function module for generating a scheduling agreement release(forecast delivery schedule or JIT delivery schedule) has run upagainst an error, causing processing to be terminated.
In this case the cause of the error is &v2&.

System Response
The error may involve one of the following situations:
1: The nature of the error cannot be specified precisely.
2: The forecast delivery schedule or the JIT delivery schedulewas generated but no message record could be generated.
3: A document type for which the functions "Generate forecastdelivery schedule" or "Generate JIT delivery schedule" are not definedmay be involved.
4: A material for which the function "Generate JIT deliveryschedule" is not defined may be involved.
5: A scheduling agreement that has not yet been released by allpersons responsible may be involved.
6: The factory calendar has not been maintained correctly.

  • Error source 1:

  • Check whether the vendor and plant shown in the PO actually exist inthe system.
    • Error source 2:

    • Check the Customizing facility for message determination with respectto delivery schedules created under scheduling agreements (printoperation '9').
      • Error source 3:

      • In Customizing, maintain the document types accordingly (
        Define document types for schedulingagreement). Then create a new scheduling agreement with a documenttype for which release documentation is defined.
        • Error source 4:

        • Maintain the JIT delivery schedule indicator in the material masterrecord.
          • Error source 5:

          • Have the scheduling agreement released by the person(s) responsible.
            • Error source 6:

            • If you are using a releasecreation profile without aggregation, you must maintain the factorycalendar for the next 999 days.
              IMG -> General Settings -> Maintain Calendar