SAP Message 06722 - Source not included in list despite source list requirement

A source list requirement is defined for this plant. This means thatthe source of supply must be entered in the source list of thematerial/plant combination before you can procure this material usingthis source of supply.


  • Check the plant you entered for the item.

  • Maintain the source of supply in the source list for this
  • material/plant combination:
    Select the item.
    Select Environment -> Source list.
    Enter the corresponding material and plant.
    Maintain the data for the source of supply and then select Save.
    Select Mark in order to get the data for the purchase order thatwas created.
    Exit the purchase order and restart the SAP ordering transaction.
    Select Check.
    The SAP ordering transaction must be restarted for technical reasons sothat the system can read the source list entry.

668764FAQ: Source list in purchasing
186723CHECK_ORDERBUCH check against requirements date
457110FAQ: Source determination in purchasing