SAP Message 06532 - Item categories in agreement and requisition incompatible

The item category &V1& in thepurchase requisition and the item categoryV2 in the outline agreement item to whichthis requisition was assigned are incompatible or not defined.

You can reset the assigned outline agreement item by entering "!" asoutline agreement or item number. If the assignment is to remain as itis, please read on.

  • Are the numbers of the outline agreement and the item correct?

  • Have you entered the correct item category in the purchase requisition?

  • If so, please note the document type or the itemcategory of the purchase requisition or the assigned outline agreement.First check the relevant entry in table T161A and then establish thefollowing:
    Is the combination of document types/item categories defined?
    Are contract release orders defined?
    If an account assignment category is entered in the purchaserequisition item, are items with account assignment defined in tableT161A?
    If the answer to any of the points 1, 2 or 3 is "no", you cannot assignthe purchase requisition to the outline agreement at present.
    DEFINE &OBJEKTE& = 'Document types for purchase requisitions'
    Do you wish to display the Implementation Guide (IMG)?
    Define number ranges and document types