SAP Message 06280 - Not possible to determine shipping data for material &

For the stock transport order, the systemattempted to determine certain shipping data (e.g. the orderer, orsold-to party, and the responsible salesorganization). The system was not able to determine this shipping data.Possible reasons:

  • the customer number of the plant does not exist;

  • the material master record does not exist or has been flagged for
  • deletion;
    • data on the sales organization, the
    • distribution channel or thedivision is missing for the supplying plant;
      • it was not possible to determine a shipping point

      • .

        If necessary, contact your system administrator. The latter can checkthe settings for the supplying plant in Customizing.
        Set up stock transport order

34828Not possible to determine shipping data ...
47007Common master data for stock transfers