SAP Message 06039 - Contract has different purchasing organization &

The reference contract and the document you wish to process havedifferent purchasingorganizations.
If the message you received was an error message, the purchasingorganization with which you wish to create the document may not accesscontracts of the specified purchasing organization because the latterhas not been defined in Customizing as the reference purchasingorganization.

Depending on whether you received the message as an error message or awarning, you can do the following:

  • If you received the message as an error message, you can:

  • Assign the purchasing organization of thecontract to the document.To do so, enter the key of the purchasing organization that is assignedto the contract.
    Define the purchasing organization of the contract as thereference purchasingorganization for the purchasing organization of your document. To doso, contact your system administrator.
    • If you received the message as a warning, you can nevertheless
    • post the document with the different purchasing organization.
      In Customizing, you can activate or deactivate the message on a user-specific basis.