SAP Message 01554 - Please describe the usage of the auth. objects

In the following table, describe in which functions/business processesthe new authorization object will be checked.
This is important for the documentation developer, who has to describethe link between the business process and the authorization object. Forthe customer, this table can provide up-to-date information onauthorization objects, which is also important for the useradmiistrator.
It should also be possible to use this table to generate authorizationprofiles.
How do you maintain the following table?
In the highlighted field, enter a description for the process/function.If necessary, select F4 to check which processes already exist. If youimplement a new process, you must also choose a new description. In thefield below the process description, enter the object to be checked inthis process. Select the pushbutton OBL if there is a high probabilitythat the object will be checked during the process. Select OPT if theobject will only be checked in special combinations. Press Enter andyou will see a pop-up if you have created a new process. Here, enter ashort text and maintain the application, to which the process belongs.To display the possible application names, select F4. Instead of acheck object, you can also assigne a subprocess in the list. Refer tothe F1 field help for more information.