SAP Message 01394 - CUA definition is inconsistent; for repair, see long text

The CUA definition is inconsistent, because

  • the ALE model is inconsistent.

  • For the ALE model, Central User Administration requires a uniquelydefined central system (only a central system). All child systems mustalso be included in a CUA only once (no duplicated systems).
    • Some child systems were deleted from the ALE model, while they are still
    • in the CUA model
      • The central system of the ALE model does not match the central system of
      • the CUA model
        • The CUA model exists, but the ALE model does not
        • System Response

          To resolve the inconsistency of the ALE model, you can either change orcreate the ALE model in transaction BD64 or save the CUA view intransaction SCUA, so that the ALE model is regenerated in accordancewith it. If you perform the adjustment in transaction SCUA, you caneither save the CUA model immediately or first change and then save it.If you want to remove some child systems from the CUA, you should firstremove these in the CUA model on the initial screen of the transactionSCUA by choosing Delete, both in the central and relevant childsystems.