SAP Message 01321 - Do not confuse "Add" and "Delete" for system-dependent data

On the "Systems", "Roles", and "Profiles" tabs, you havechosen to both "Add users" and "Remove users". This may lead toconflicts in some cases. For example, if you want to assign a roleto a system, the system must be added to all users. To make thisclear, the entry is automatically added to the "Systems" tab. However,if you have chosen to "Remove users" there, the system assignments areremoved from the users, which is equivalent to deleting the users on theselected systems. If you then switch back to the other tab pages, youcan see that all role and profile assignments were also removed.

System Response
You are asked to correct your entries.

Always run transaction SU10 only for one of the two operation modes,"Add Users" or "Remove Users".

Explanation of the mode of operation of the switches:

"Add Users" in the tab pages:

a) Systems:
The selected users are newly created on the systems entered here, aslong as they do not already exist there.

b) Roles:
The selected users are assigned the roles entered heresystem-specifically. If roles are assigned in systems in which selectedusers do not exist, the users are created with these assignments.

c) Profiles:
The profiles entered here are assigned to the selected userssystem-specifically. If profiles are assigned in systems in whichselected users do not exist, the users are created with these profiles.

"Remove Users" in the tab pages:

a) Systems
The selected users are deleted from the systems entered here.

b) Roles
The roles entered here are system-specifically removed from theselected users.

c) Profiles:
The entered profiles are system-specifically removed from the selectedusers.