SAP Message 01141 - The authorization name is invalid

The chosen authorization name can be rejected for two different reasons:
1. One of the following naming conventions was not followed:

  • The second character of the authorization name is an underscore, or is
  • not an underscore:
    Internal SAP System:
    The second character is not an underscore. However, this is mandatory.
    Customer System:
    The second character is an underscore. This is only permitted in SAPauthorizations.
    • You want to create an authorization in the partner namespace, but have
    • not followed the naming template J_NX, where N = 1 to 9 and X = A to Zfor the first four characters of the name.
      2. The authorization name contains impermissible special characters. Thefollowing characters are permitted:

      System Response
      The authorization is not created.

      Correct the authorization name and repeat the process.