Diagnosis During a background processing request, a program was specified whichcannot be scheduled. Programs which can be scheduled are particularlydistinguished by a defined starting point (for example, the classicalABAP/4 programs or predefined model jobs). Programs which cannot becsheduled are, for example, module pools or function pools. System Response The background processing request cannot be successfully completed withthe entered program name. The system displays the scheduling screen onwhich the field for entering the program name is ready for input, sothat corrections can be made here. Procedure There are two options for eliminating this problem situation: Correct the program name, so that a program which can be scheduled(that is a program with a defined starting point) is referenced by theimproved name. Correct the attributes of the originally entered program. This optionis recommended if the attributes of the program to be scheduled clearlyhave incorrect values. Correct the attributes using the program editor. |