Diagnosis The selected job is already processed (for example, released ordeleted). In order that a work sequence once started can beconsistently carried out and completed, the selected job is locked bythe SAP locking mechanism. After a job is locked, only selected actions(for example, display of job information) can be carried out. The lockis released again upon completion of the activities. Procedure The time between the start and the end of an action is generally onlyshort, so that a repeated attempt of the required action encounters ajob which is no longer locked, and the planned activities can thereforebe executed. If the lock is still set even after repeated attempts, proceed asfollows: 'Use transaction SM12 (display locks) to look at the locks that are setfor table TBTCO (also table TBTCS for deletion of released jobs) andfind out which user is currently locking the required job. Ask this user to end the action that he or she has started. |