SAP Message 00181 - The new and old passwords must have at least & different characters

You entered a new password, but it does not differ from your oldpassword by a sufficient number of characters.

Choose a password that differs from your old password by at least &V1&characters. The password you entered differs by only &V2& characters.
The number of different characters is calculated as follows:
The two strings are made to overlap as much as possible (by searchingfor the longest common string and rotating as necessary). The number ofdifferent characters (after comparing character-by-character) returnsthe number the system needs.
For example:,,Old password:,,"BDAFAG",,(6 characters)
,,,,New password:,,"ABC DBA",,(7 characters)
,,,,After rotation:,,"DBAABC ",,(7 characters)
,,,,==> Number of different characters = 4

Procedure for System Administration
The system administrator can specify this value using the profileparameter login/min_password_digits.
For more documentation, refer to Maintain Profile Parameters(transaction RZ11)