SAP Message /SPE/RET138 - System configuration only allows partial delivery indicator 'B'

Enhanced returns processing is activated in your system for sales ordertype &V1& and salesorganization &V2&. The system automatically createsRMA numbers for the returnsorder items during delivery creation. Furthermore, the system expectsconfirmation messages from the customer in order to announce the actualreturns quantities.
In this scenario, only one returns delivery must be created for aspecific returns order item. Consequently, the partialdelivery indicator must have the value 'B' (create only one delivery,also with quantity = 0).

System Response
The system does not accept other values than 'B' for the partialdelivery indicator.

For more information about the configuration for activating enhancedreturns processing, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) of ExtendedWarehouse Management Integration, under Customer Returns Processing ->Activate Enhanced Returns Processing.