SAP Message /SCMB/DOCFLOW030 - &3: Table &1 contains entries for client &2; see long text

This error can occur in two cases:
1. The table name in Customizing for Document Flow has changed (wascorrected) and therefore, a new DDIC table was generated. However, theprevious /1DF/... table contains entries that belong to the new table.These entries must be copied from the previous table to the new one sothat no files are lost. This situation can only occur if the name of theprevious table ends in three digits that do not display the currentclient.
2. The table name in the current client is correct but the tablecontains entries that belong to other clients and therefore other/1DF/... tables.

The report /SCMB/FLOW_DOCUMENT_COPY is used to copy entries fromone document flow table to another. Since all document flow tables(/1DF/...) have client-dependent names, the entries of client NNN mustbe copied to the table whose name ends in NNN.
You must start this report in the target client of the copy andspecify the source client (or document category) of the file. The reportthen moves the file from the source client or table to the target clientand to the correct table (last three digits of the table name are thetarget client). If multiple, different target clients exist, run thereport in each individual client.