SAP Message /SAPSLL/PLUGINR3138 - Transferring procurement indicator in simulation mode: &1 &2

The selected materials were transferred in simulation mode.

System Response
A success message is output.

If the number of materials selected in the feeder system differs fromthe number of records with procurement indicators created in the GTSsystem, you should analyze the log. Two different cases are possible:
Fewer records with procurement indicators were created than materialswere selected. This can occur, for example, if the products from thefeeder system were not all transferred to the GTS system.
More records with procurement indicators were created than materialswere selected. This can be the case if the organizational structure isless than exact, and both a plant-specific entry and a cross- plantentry (through the plant assignment to a plant group) exist for the samematerial.
Please note that the log is merely displayed, but not saved, insimulation mode. The log is only written to the database (for lateranalyses in the GTS system) during update runs.