Diagnosis In the previous equity group, you used either an internal partner asoperator and in this equity group you want to enter an external partneras operator. Or, in the previous equity group, you used an externalpartner as operator and in this equity group, you want to enter aninternal partner as operator. Procedure
- If this system message is an error message, the processing is canceled.
If you nevertheless want to continue processing, your systemadministrator must change the message control settings.
- If this system message is a warning or information message, after you
have confirmed the message, you can continue processing.Procedure for System Administration To change the message control settings for system message /SAPPCE/JVAM1063, in Customizing for Joint Venture Accounting>, chooseProject Risk Management for Plant Engineering and Construction> ->Master Data for Joint Venture Processing> -> Change Message Control>>. Here, enter therequired data.