SAP Message /SAPPCE/DPCM1247 - Tax rate change transaction not cleared: &1 &2 &3 &4

The partial invoices are updated as a down payment request in the downpayment chain, and a tax rate change has been performed for the downpayment chain. A final settlement cannot be created until thetransactions for the subsequent taxation have been completely cleared.These are Tax Change Credit Memo and Tax Change PreviousPayments.

System Response
It is not possible to post a final settlement.

Use the following transactions to delete the payment block for theactivities:

  • For debit-side down payment chains, use transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX02_D
  • Deb. DP Chains - Delete Payt Block.
    • For credit-side down payment chains, use transaction /SAPPCE/DPC_TAX02_K
    • Cred. DP Chains - Delete Payt Block.
      When you execute the transactions, set the Remove without Paymentindicator in the selection screen.
      Use the Accounting transactions to clear the taxation transactions.