SAP Message /SAPCND/MAINTENANCE863 - Semantic type for &1 &2 &3 &4 initial line is not permitted

Semantic type &v1& &v2& &v3& &v4& for the initial row is not permitted.The initial row is an example of a condition record that has not yetbeen created. This has, like all other condition records, a semantictype. In this case, this is the enhancement of the technical type (ofthe condition table) with the condition type field. A semantic type isonly permitted, if the condition table is a part of the access sequencethat is stored with the condition type.

System Response
The selected action cannot be executed.

Inform your system administrator.

Procedure for System Administration
If this is an example of Customizing that you have created, checkwhether condition table &v1&&v2& &v3& is a part of the access sequencethat is assigned to condition type &v1& &v2& &v4&. If this is the case,or if this is not an example of Customizing created by you, inform yourresponsible support organization.