SAP Message /SAPCND/MAINTENANCE854 - Specified maintenance context &1 does not exist

Maintenance context &v1& that you specified, does not exist.
A special logic can be implemented for condition maintenance using amaintenance context that is only effective withing a specificenvironment (the context). All BAdIs for condition maintenance have themaintenance context as filter criterion. Refer to the correspondingdocumentation for BAdI definitions to get more information.
Example: In condition maintenance in the product master, the PRODUCTfield is always hidden, but despite this, it is of course alwayscorrectly filled. This is achieved because the product master hasdefined the PRODUCT maintenance context, and has also entered a specialBAdI implementation for the data element of the PRODUCT field, and forthe PRODUCT maintenance context. The field is filled in the backgroundwithin the method for the field check. In other environments, this BAdIimplementation is not used, as the PRODUCT maintenance context is notprovided there. If there is no BAdI implementation for the field andrespective maintenance context, the BAdI implementation with thedefault context is taken, and the field contents is checked forcorrectness and consistency in relation to other fields.
If no maintenance context is specified, the default context is used.You can use the CTMNT_NORMAL constant for this. It is available via theCTMNT type pool. However, you often do not have to specify this as themaintenance context is an optional parameter in most cases.

System Response
The selected action cannot be executed.

Inform your system administrator.

Procedure for System Administration

Inform your responsible support organization.

You may have provided an incorrect maintenance context. Otherwiseinform your responsible support organization.