SAP Message /SAPCND/MAINTENANCE028 - Time zone for condition maintenance not configured

The global time zone for the condition master data is not in table/SAPCND/CONFIGCC, or is not correctly maintained.

System Response
Maintenance/display of conditon master data is rejected with anexception.

Inform the system administrator. The system is not completely set upregarding the maintenance/display of conditon master data.

Procedure for System Administration
Set the parameter TIMEZONE_MASTER_DATA_DB in the above tableIMG to a valid time zone in the currentclient (for example, UTC, CET). If the paramter does not exist, itusually exists without a value assignment in the delivery/upgradeclient 000, as delivery in Release 2.0C was without a value assignment.This entry needs to be transferred via a Customizing transport from thestandard client to the current client (menu: Table View -> Transport).A value then needs to be assigned to the parameter in the currentclient.
Help in the selection of the correct time zone:
The time zone of condition master data, unlike the system time zone, isclient-dependent. You may select the system time zone of the OLTP R/3System, if this is set up for the current client, or you may select thesystem time zone of the system in use. Ifthese two time zones do not correspond, the decision regarding thecorrect time zone cannot be made by SAP.