SAP Message /SAPCND/GENERATOR289 - Generation of an &1 object failed

Generation of &v1& object failed.
All objects that are generated by the condition technique can begrouped in the following three categories:

  • T681 objects, for example condition tables

  • T681A objects, for example communication structures

  • T681V objects (objects cannot yet be generated in this category)

  • T681Z objects, for example scale tables

  • Each object also comprises several subobjects. The condition table metaobject, for example comprises a main condition table, a supplementcondition table, an access view, an access report and various tabletypes. Only when all these subobjects have been generated successfully,is the generation of the object itself successful.

    System Response
    For information only.

    Inform your system administrator.

    Procedure for System Administration
    Check in the generation log above for the reason why generation failed,and eliminate the problem. Help on a solution is provided in each ofthe specific messages. This message no longer appears when allsubobjects for generating &v1& object have been completed successfully.

533732Subsequent note for Note 529611