SAP Message /SAPCND/GENERATOR088 - Working set structure &1 could not be written into DDIC

Working set structure &v1& could not be written to the DDIC.
A working set structure is a normal structure. It must fulfil minimumconsistency requirements to be created in the DDIC.
A working set structure is generated for each registered application.It contains all fields of all condition tables in the currentapplication and in all lower-level applications. Some working setstructures also contain the scale tables. Working set structures areused in condition maintenance and enables cross-usage and cross-condition table maintenance of condition records.
There is probably an error in the definition of the field catalog, or aprogramm error.

System Response
Working set structure &v1& is not copied to the DDIC. Activation cannottake place later, as the structure does not exist in the DDIC.

Contact your system administrator.

Procedure for System Administration
If the error occurred after you included a new field in the fieldcatalog, check the field catalog for consistency. Otherwise, contactyour responsible support organization.