SAP Message /SAPCND/GENERATOR066 - Scale base type &1 is not defined in table /SAPCND/T681VS.

Acale base type &v1& is not defined in table /SAPCND/T681VS.

System Response
The requested action cannot be executed.

Contact your system administrator.

Procedure for System Administration

Contact your responsible support organization.

If you registered scale base type &v1& or are responsible for the usageto which the problematic scale base type &v1& belongs, make therelevant corrections in Customizing. Note that the scale tablebelonging to the scale base type is not automatically created in thedownstream systems, if your usage has already been delivered. Then, youwill need an XPRA, which carries out regeneration. Alternatively,instead of using an XPRA, you can use the XPRA/SAPCND/XPRA_REGEN_EVERYTHING. However, this regenerates more than isnecessary.