SAP Message /SAPCND/ANALYSIS899 - Overview

An overview tree in the left hand side of the screen shows the fourlevels in condition determination: procedure (pricing procedure, outputdetermination procedure, strategy), condition type (output type,stategy type), condition access and condition information.
In the top right hand side of the screen you can see detailedinformation on the level currently selected:
At condition type level you can see information on the number ofaccesses and why accesses have not been carried out. If a requirementfor a condition type has not been met in the pricing procedure, you candisplay the routines by selected Additional information.
At access level you can see information on the fields which an accessuses. If you select the technical view, you can see the field name ofan access.
At condition record level in the pricing analysis, you can branch tothe relevant condition record.
Messages for the selected element are described in more detail in thispart of the screen.