SAP Message /LIME/CORE625 - Length exceeded (&1) in selection with value range table

The selection criteria of a value range table cause a length excess.
You have specified selection criteria for locations, HUs, stock items,or serial numbers with a value range table. For executing the LIMEquery the values of the value range table are converted to a logicalcondition that is used to generate the SQL statement.
The permitted total length of an SQL statement is restricted accordingto the database system. By exploding the value range table, the sizerestrictions of the SQL statement was exceeded.

System Response
The system could not execute the LIME query.

The length of the generated SQL statement essentially depends on thenumber of entries in the value range table. Check whether you can reducethe number of entries in the value range table.
Locations, HUs, stock items or serial numbers can be selected in threetypes:

  • Value range tables

  • BIZ tables (list of the relevant business key values)

  • GUID table

  • Check whether you can execute the LIME query with BIZ or with GUIDtables. There is no length restriction for BIZ and GUID tables.